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Victoria's Belt and Road consultant has 'strong ties to powerful Chinese communists'
Belt and Roads has 'damaged Victoria's reputation'
Pompeo warns Australia over Belt and Road deal
Andrews not reconsidering Victoria's Belt and Road agreement with China
'Lack of transparency’ over Vic-China deal ‘shows the Premier has something to hide’
Victoria follows in the footsteps of the 'Turnbull govt's Belt and Road betrayal'
Commonwealth 'should desperately' seek to 'interfere' with Vic's Belt and Road deal
Victorians voters ‘had no say’ in Belt and Road Initiative
Beijing 'very interested in a Belt and Road deal with Australia'
Victoria's Belt and Road agreement could be cancelled in March
Victoria 'accepting of all investment partnerships' amid Beijing criticism
Vic 'given green light for China's Belt and Road deal by DFAT'